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Last modified 2011-09-28 22 downloads By CSharpTest.Net


To check known issues (or if you want to file one), view this app's issue tracker.

To learn more about the app, you should:

If you are a developer, you can help fix the problem yourself by:

This is a supported app, so you may contact the vendor (or support contact) for help:


Getting Started…

1. Install the Software

To install visit the  project home on goolge code and  download the installer. After the installation you can verify the correct registration by going to TortoiseSVN -> Settings -> Issue Tracker Integration. Click the "Add…" button and see if the provider "CSharpTest.Net.SvnPlugin.MyPlugin" appears.


If not, try running %SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\RegAsm.exe with the full path to the SvnPlugin.dll file that was installed.

2. Enable Jira SOAP

see the following documentation:

3. Configure Subversion

see  this aticle for details, but the basics are as follows:
goto TortoiseSVN -> Properties on the root (/trunk) of your repository and add the following properties:


  • bugtraq:append = false
  • bugtraq:label = Defect {PREFIX}-
  • bugtraq:logregex = {Regular express match of defect ids}
  • bugtraq:message = {PREFIX}-%BUGID%
  • bugtraq:number = true
  • bugtraq:url = http://jira:8080/browse/{PREFIX}-%BUGID%

Once this is complete, you will need to a new entry specific to this plugin…

  • jira:url = http://jira:8080

At this point you can check in with the comment dialog from the command-line svn.exe by setting an environment variable:

SET SVN_EDITOR=C:\Progra~1\CSharpTest.Net\SvnPluginInstall\SvnEditor.exe

4. Configure TortoiseSVN

Now that we have all this configured we need to tell TortoiseSVN to use this comment dialog. To do this goto TortoiseSVN -> Settings -> Issue Tracker Integration and click the "Add…" button. Select the provider "CSharpTest.Net.SvnPlugin.MyPlugin", Enter the base path at which you want to use this editor for checkins ("C:\" works just fine, or set it to your checkout directory). If you did not specify the  jira:url svn property, you can provide the root URL to your Jira installation as the "Parameters" entry. I don't recommend this since it will not work with the command-line version and no other team-mates will benefit from the provisioning.

5. Enjoy

You should now be able to check-in/commit and see the button "Jira Issues" just under the bugtraq defect id entry.

Version history